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Hyperhidrosis Treatment Overview
If you suffer from excessive sweating, you may feel like you’ve tried everything. You may have lost hope. Even if you feel this way, please take some time to read through our information about all the treatments currently available for treating hyperhidrosis. We think you'll leave feeling optimistic again. Please understand that we do not intend to replace the advice of a medical professional, but rather to provide information to support your quest for excessive sweating relief.
In addition to medical treatments, there are many high-tech products on the market to help you manage excessive sweating symptoms and the day-to-day hassles that excessive sweating causes. Many of the best products in this arena are featured in our fantastic Fan Faves section where we've got great prices on both new sweat-busting products as well as reliable products we've loved for years. And by shopping here, you help support our work, too.
As for medical treatments, here's a brief overview (click through to specific treatment pages for more details):
Older treatments such as antiperspirants and iontophoresis have been improved and we now know how to make them more effective.
Newer treatments, like miraDry, Botox injections, and lasers have started giving relief to those who never thought they’d find it.
Additionally, healthcare providers and their patients are experimenting with combinations of treatments and getting good results.
Due to side effects, oral medications may not be recommended as a long-term solution but they certainly have their place when treating excessive sweating on large parts of the body, when multiple body areas are affected, or as a short-term solution during a special event (such as a presentation at work or an important family function.)
Underarm surgeries, such as liposuction, for excessive underarm sweating are being refined but less invasive treatments should still be considered first.
ETS surgery, although heavily advertised, is reserved for only certain severe cases of palmar hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating of the palms) that have not responded to any other treatment options or to combinations of treatments. Before considering ETS treatment, physicians and their patients must fully consider and discuss the real risks of permanent damage and severe side effects. When ETS is used to treat focal hyperhidrosis areas besides the palms, there appears to be reduced benefit and greater risk.
Everyone’s experience with this condition is different. So please be patient, explore all your options, explore combinations of options, adjust techniques, and work with your doctor to find the best treatments for your individual situation. Keep in mind, also, that research is still being conducted and new treatments, and new ways of using the current treatments, are being worked on. Subscribe to our News Blog and you’ll be among the first to know about the latest developments.
Published on www.sweathelp.org
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